Enhancing efficiency, and sustainability in modern warehousing with advanced Bolzoni Group’s forklift attachments.
Enhancing efficiency, and sustainability in modern warehousing with advanced Bolzoni Group’s forklift attachments.
Bolzoni’s Used & Rental service offers a range of material handling attachments available on short notice to ensure the seamless operation of your warehouse and logistics activities.
Experience the best in paper handling solutions in Lucca, Tuscany, from October 9th to 11th.
In response to the growing strategic importance of machining operations, aimed at ensuring the supply of competitive and high-quality products, Bolzoni Group is investing in a centre of excellence for machining operations by acquiring a majority stake in one of its key long-standing suppliers.
Marco Rossi will assume the role of CEO of Bolzoni Group, with all the related operational powers, and Roberto Scotti will maintain the role of President/Chairman of Bolzoni Group.
Designed for the white goods handling specialists, Bolzoni presents an extensive tools range, to reach damage-free operations.
Lately introduced at the LogiMAT 2024, the MEYER 4/2 pallet handler is the solution to handle more, with reduced life cost in full-service applications.
A full range of Intelligent Solutions to equip your white goods forklift truck fleet and to run operation at maximum speed.
Bolzoni Used & Rental service provides material handling attachments available in short time to support the continuity of your warehouse and logistics operations.
Bolzoni Group enlarges its carton clamp range providing optimum of visibility for safe and efficient operations in white goods industry.
Bolzoni Group provides advanced technologies to match today material handling challenges: from electric driven flt attachments to data tracking.
Whatever the material, achieve the most efficient and effective handling in the recycling processes.
Bolzoni Group’ lift tables are helping forklift truck dealers to enhance safety, optimize productivity and streamline maintenance.
Get ready for Black Friday sales with Bolzoni carton clamps: a full range of Intelligent Solutions to equip your white goods forklift truck fleet and to run operation at maximum speed.
The Bolzoni Group meets the leading international Paper Industry companies at MIAC 2023 exhibition, in Lucca, Tuscany, from 11th to 13th October.
The Bolzoni Group offer a range of extremely robust, affordable attachments, with 3-years warranty, to increase your operational efficiency reducing the costs.
For the most demanding handling operations the Bolzoni Group get you covered with a wide range of special and high capacity forks.
Ognibene Power has fully automated its Reggio Emilia warehouse in Northern Italy, thanks to E80 Group LGV equipped with Bolzoni full-electric attachments.
The MEYER 3/2/1 Pallet Handler meets the challenging beverage industry space needs driven by consumer tastes and preferences.
Easy-FORK Vision System, with camera and laser beam, is the Bolzoni intelligent solution to ease operations and enhance productivity in low visibility conditions.
Attached Solutions Chile Ltda has been appointed as new Exclusive Dealer for the Chilean, Argentine and Uruguayan markets.
Bolzoni group provides Easy-Connect Solutions based on advanced technologies to match today material handling challenges
The latest technology development in Bolzoni has been to design and manufacture fully electric driven attachments to fit Laser Guided Vehicles.
In the forest product transport chain, when it comes to pulp bale handling, Auramo attachments are there, to ensure an efficient, safe and damage-free handling.
After 21 years of intense operation of our paper roll clamp, Saint-Gobain confirms Bolzoni as forklift truck attachment supplier for its plasterboard panels production in Termoli facility.
Bolzoni offers to white goods industry operators a new tool to improve handling operations quality, enhancing production efficiency and reducing load damage risks.
Das neue Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum von Bolzoni ist ein Aushängeschild für modernste Technologie im Bereich der Intralogistik.
BOLZONI’s Rental & Used service is a fast and efficient solution to cope with downtime situations or bridging peak demands.
In der Logistik, insbesondere in der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie, zeigt sich ein zunehmendes Interesse an palettenlosen Handling, um Platz und Kosten zu sparen.
Den aktuellen Markttrends folgend, konzentriert sich Bolzoni auf neue Technologielösungen und entwickelt, konstruiert und fertigt spezielle Anbaugeräte für AGV-Anwendungen.
The new combination of the MEYER Shaft Guide Concept with the torsion resistant steel profile provides an optimum of robustness for the demanding Beverage Industry.
The Finnish Bolzoni group factory is dedicated to the manufacturing of forest products handling attachments for efficient and damage-free handling.
Das easy-FORCE-C System ermöglicht es dem Staplerfahrer, die Klammerkraft entsprechend des Ladungstyps und der -konfiguration einzustellen.
The 2021 award goes to our Chinese Colleague, Mr. Tony Duan, who has been working with BOLZONI AURAMO (WUXI) FORKLIFT TRUCK ATTACHMENT CO., LTD. for four years.
Long maintenance intervals substantially contribute to the reduction of the overall life cycle costs of an attachment, in particular in multiple shift and fleet operations.
Bolzoni Auramo, der Spezialist für Papierhandling, hat eine Auswahl an hochspezialisierten Anbaugeräten für Gabelstapler entwickelt und konzipiert.
Bolzoni liefert über 70 Drehgeräte des Typs RC-F, die für Gießereieinsätze entwickelt wurden, an ein führendes russisches Unternehmen der globalen Aluminiumindustrie geliefert.
BOLZONI designs a new Vision System with front camera and laser beam to be fitted on forklift truck attachments, to greatly improve safety in material handling.
BOLZONI started das Web-Portal für Miet- und Gebrauchtgeräte: Mehr als 1.000 neue und gebrauchte BOLZONI AURAMO und MEYER Produkte sind ab sofort auf einen Klick verfügbar.
Tissue paper needs special handling care. Soft Tissue paper rolls have large diameters, fairly light weights and get easily damaged.
Recommended for all distribution, warehousing logistic, automotive, metal and other industrial operations, BOLZONI fork positioners are designed to provide a practical solution to a variety of handling operations and pallet sizes.
MEYER complete range of Multi Pallet Handlers allows a considerable time reduction in stocking and vehicle loading/unloading, as handling cycles are carried out in the shortest and safest way.
Bolzoni Auramo upgrades its Heavy-Duty Clamps to match larger Bale Handling Demand.
We are pleased to announce Attached Solutions has been appointed as the sole distributor for BOLZONI AURAMO products in Mexico. Attached Solutions will exclusively represent the Bolzoni Group brands in the Mexico market.
Bolzoni fühlt sich dazu verpflichtet, Anbaugeräte für Gabelstapler zu liefern, die den Kunden in jeder Hinsicht zufrieden stellen. Unser Interesse an diesen Geräten endet nicht mit dem Verkauf sondern geht weiter in die Gewährleistungszeit und darüber hinaus.
New enlarged fork positioner range for Bolzoni Auramo, for forklift trucks ISO Class IV, able to increase work safety in the warehousing logistic and industrial operations.
One common challenge among all industries is to manage the growing demand for handling materials quickly, efficiently and at a low cost. SILVER LINE by Bolzoni is a range of reliable and cost-effective clamps suitable for applications in many industries, particularly where lift truck operators require attachments having simple performance at a low cost.
Environmental sustainability has become one of the main issues on a global level, and in particular, when it comes to material handling the ecological awareness is getting stronger. This is why Bolzoni, which supports eco-sustainability and respect for the environment, decides to go green and to invest in green solutions such as the new Green Line Lift Tables.
Automation solutions applied to the material handling world are continuously evolving. The latest technology development in Bolzoni has been to design and manufacture fully electric driven attachments to fit Automated Guided Vehicles.
Get ready for the upcoming blooming spring with Bolzoni Auramo attachments fit to help nurseries handling products from flowers and plants cultivation. In the next months, the coming spring will enormously increase the handling operations in all nurseries and garden centers. Cultivation of flowers and plants needs many kinds of manipulation and transportation of products, during the working process, from sowing, pricking-out, potting-up, and planting of flowers, plants and planting products. At the end of the process handling of goods is needed to store, to transport, to load and unload of vehicles.
MEYER und BOLZONI AURAMO Anbaugeräte sind ab sofort in einer großen Auswahl von Gebraucht- und Mietgeräten online verfügbar. Gerade für die Anwendungsbereiche: Getränkeindustrie, Papierlogistik, Weiße Ware, Recycling, bieten wir ein umfangreiches Sortiment fachgerecht aufgearbeiteter Anbaugeräte, in der Regel sofort verfügbar und das zu besonders attraktiven Preisen!
Die Bolzoni-Gruppe, einer der führenden Hersteller von Anbaugeräten für Gabelstapler und Gabelzinken, und RAVAS, einer der Marktührer für mobile Wiegesysteme für Flurförderzeuge, haben vereinbart, die i-Forks-32, das Top-Modell bei Gabelstaplerwaagen, durch die Bolzoni Verkaufs-Organisation zu vertreiben.
One of the strategic goals of Bolzoni Group is to further increase its market penetration, continuing to develop in countries where we are already present and, in particular, in the South East Asia.
Aufgrund der stetig steigenden Gefahr durch die Verbreitung von COVID-19 findet in diesem Jahr die LogiMAT in Stuttgart nicht statt. Diese Entscheidung trägt die BOLZONI Gruppe ausdrücklich mit, denn die Gesundheit und Sicherheit unserer Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Geschäftspartner hat für uns höchste Priorität.
Always move forward with ideas and people: this is the path we follow in Bolzoni Auramo. In a continuously evolving world, to be prepared to changes and to surf challenges is every company goal. Bolzoni Auramo, as several excellent organizations world wide, found the way to quality improvement in the adoption of the Lean Manufacturing System.
We are proud to announce the foundation of Bolzoni South America Acessorios Para Empilhadeiras Ltda. Based in Vitoria, Brazil.
Bolzoni Group communicates that starting from May 2019 the company Tradevisor is the sole distributor for products BOLZONI AURAMO and MEYER in Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia.
Bolzoni Group communicates that starting from 01.01.2019 the company Anval is no longer the sole distributor for products BOLZONI AURAMO and MEYER in South America. The new contact is now our representative, Mr. Michel Bulat Uhart.
In the course of 2019, Bolzoni plans to expand its capabilities in the USA and is moving the Bolzoni Auramo Illinois manufacturing plant to a significantly larger location, in Sulligent Alabama.
MEYER and BOLZONI AURAMO introduce their new Remote Service Concept at LogiMAT: The largest decentral attachment service engineer network in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is now being equipped with Smart Glasses, which enable a direct link between the service engineers in the field and the technical specialists at their desktop in the Customer Service and Engineering Departments at head office.
Bolzoni Auramo presents the low profile lift table, extra slim, easy to use and to install. In facts, the Ergo Lift Bolzoni Auramo lift table do not require a floor pit.
Bolzoni Auramo cooperates with some of the most important wine industries, supplying forklift truck attachments for every stage in the production.